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Flexible EHS analytics and Business Intelligence for data-driven organizations

Unlock the analytical power of your EHS data and share actionable intelligence with business leaders and stakeholders across your organization.

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Built-in EHS expertise with every click

Built-in EHS expertise with every click

Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Dakota Insights starts you with pre-made visualizations of established EHS performance indicators such as DART and TRIR. It also includes advanced indicators for measuring regulatory preparedness and compliance status across your locations.

Roll-up reporting, drill-down analysis

Dakota Insights simplifies analytics across all levels of your organization. Management level data can be filtered by facility, region, and business segments and compared across date ranges. Dashboards and KPIs provide EHS performance trends and help identify areas of operational risk.

Roll-up reporting, drill-down analysis
Save time with flexible, customizable analytics

Save time with flexible, customizable analytics

Stop compiling data in disconnected spreadsheets. Dakota Insights automatically combines cross-product data from the ProActivity Suite, saving you countless hours and providing centralized access to your EHS data. The Analytics builder allows users to customize, create, and share their own dynamic dashboards.

Embed EHS into your company culture

Easily share EHS intelligence that prompts informed discussion and drives action. Automated reports can be scheduled and change alerts can be delivered via email. Dashboard reports can be embedded anywhere, facilitating effective data presentation to EHS and non-EHS professionals alike.

Embed EHS into your company culture

Flexible EHS analytics and Business Intelligence for data-driven organizations

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Idexx Laboratories

“We used to spend a lot of time preparing and assembling various EHS reports. With Dakota Insights, we save about a week of man hours every month.”

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