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Online Training Courses

Whatever your present level of experience with the ProActivity products, Dakota Software offers carefully constructed training courses designed to increase your knowledge and skills. The following online courses contains practical examples and personalized attention to help you and your team learn the products at a pace that is right for you. 

Introduction to Applicability and Compliance Plans

This course is designed to give an overview of the Dakota Profiler application, as well as the basic techniques compliance planning. Attendees will learn the basics of:

  • Navigating the Profiler workspace
  • Creating a new regulatory profile
  • Determining applicability within a profile
  • Adding compliance plans and tasks
  • Utilizing basic output functions

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Introduction to Auditing and Applicability

This course is designed to give an overview of the Dakota Auditor application, as well as the basic techniques compliance planning. Attendees will learn the basics of:

  • Navigating the Auditor workspace
  • Creating an audit
  • Completing applicability analysis
  • Answering checklist questions
  • Creating tasks from red flags

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Advanced Auditor & Profiler

This class covers advanced workflows in Auditor and Profiler. Attendees will learn about:

  • Advanced audit creation options
  • Creating and using Custom Info Sets
  • Creating and leveraging Question Tags
  • Copying and merging audits
  • Additional output functionality

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Introduction to Incident Management

This session covers the basics of using Dakota Scout for managing enterprise-wide safety programs. Topics will include:

  • Logging incidents, accidents, and near misses
  • Documenting incident investigations
  • Initiating and tracking corrective actions

Note: Due to the configurable nature of Incident Management, all walk-throughs and examples will be presented using Dakota baseline options.

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Managing and Working with Tasks and Action Items

This course is designed to help the daily user on the techniques and methods to track and maintain their daily tasks. Attendees will learn the basics of:

  • Identifying your tasks
  • Completing your tasks
  • Reassigning the due date of tasks
  • Communicating vital alerts when your tasks are completed
  • Identifying tasks that stem from another workflow within the product 

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Introduction to Alerts and Watches

This course is designed to guide the users through a step by step approach on setting up alerts and watches within the Dakota Platform. Topics will include:

  • Setting up an Alert
  • Specifying Alert options
  • Defining personalized email messages
  • Defining other options within the Alert
  • Modifying, reconfiguring, and removing old Alerts

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Using Views and Data Filters

This course provides step-by step instruction on how to take advantage of Dakota’s Views capabilities to perform quick data selection and analysis. You’ll learn the basics of:

  • Accessing standard Views
  • Creating customized Views
  • Modifying an existing View
  • Performing “drill-down” analysis
  • Planning, designing, and maintaining a successful set of Views

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