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OSHA DART Rate: How to Calculate It and Why It's Important

October 6th, 2023 by Dakota Software Staff

OSHA DART Rate: How to Calculate It and Why It's Important

Within the complex world of workplace safety, there is a foundational metric that remains essential for U.S. based companies: OSHA’s DART rate. While not a recent innovation, its importance in measuring and guiding safety strategies cannot be overstated. In this article, we explore how to calculate DART rate and the role of this important KPI in building a secure, compliant, and responsible work environment.

What is DART Rate?

DART rate, an acronym for Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred, is a key safety metric within industries in the United States. Administered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the DART rate quantifies the severity of OSHA recordable injuries and illnesses.

Imagine a manufacturing worker accidentally gets their hand caught in a machine or a chemical plant technician is exposed to hazardous fumes. In both scenarios, the ensuing injuries might not only prevent the employees from returning to their jobs the next day, but could also restrict them from performing certain tasks or even necessitate a temporary job role transfer. These incidents, being OSHA recordable, directly influence DART rate.

For safety managers, understanding the DART rate is essential because companies are obligated to report to OSHA serious workplace injuries, offering a transparent overview of the incidents within their organization. Such reporting not only helps in ensuring regulatory adherence but also assists in highlighting areas for safety improvement.

Why is DART Rate Important?

Across industries, DART rate is a crucial safety metric; here's why:

  • Safety Implications: A lower DART rate signals fewer serious OSHA recordable incidents. While there are many factors that impact DART, this usually indicates a company's commitment to safety and underlines its success in mitigating workplace hazards. It serves as a way to assure stakeholders and regulators of the organization's rigorous safety standards.

  • Financial Benefits: The financial implications of workplace accidents can be staggering. Beyond the immediate medical costs, there are repercussions on worker's compensation claims, potential legal battles, and even operational downtime. Organizations can substantially curtail these costs by maintaining high safety standards and, as a result, a low DART rate.

  • Employee Confidence: A good DART rate, achieved via diligent injury prevention strategies, is a testament to the organization's commitment to its employees. It conveys a message: "Your safety isn't just a regulatory requirement for us; it's a fundamental value." This not only boosts morale but can also enhance employee retention and productivity, particularly in high-risk industries.

How to Calculate DART Rate

Maintaining accuracy in your DART rate is critical, and the consequences of errors can be far-reaching. For instance, an incorrect DART rate could misrepresent safety performance, potentially misleading stakeholders and regulators and impacting a business's future. So, how exactly should one approach the DART rate calculator?

Terms to Understand:

  • Total Recordable Cases (TRC): Think of TRC as a comprehensive log of incidents that require more than just a basic first aid treatment. To provide context, imagine a scenario in a manufacturing plant where a worker gets a minor cut - this may not count towards TRC. But what if the same worker is exposed to chemical fumes and requires extensive treatment? That would be an OSHA recordable injury, and count towards TRC.

  • Days Away from Work (DAFW), Restricted Work Activity (RWA), and Transfer to Another Job (TAW): Let's simplify this with an example from the petrochemical industry. A technician might get exposed to a harmful substance, resulting in the need to take several days off—that's a DAFW incident. If, after returning, they’re momentarily restricted from certain high-risk tasks, it's a RWA incident. And if they’re transferred to a different department due to prolonged health effects? That's a TAW incident.

To calculate DART rate you must follow this formula:

DART rate = (DAFW + RWA + TAW) * (200,000 / Total Hours Worked)

Note: The factor of 200,000 in the formula represents 100 full-time employees working 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year. This standardization allows firms of all sizes to uniformly compare safety metrics.

Here's how to use the formula:

  • Add up the annual workplace injuries that led to days off, restricted tasks, or job role shifts.

  • Divide 200,000 by the total hours worked.

  • Multiply the results.

For instance, if your company logged 5 significant workplace injuries last year and that all workers, including temporary staff, worked a combined 400,000 hours in that year, the calculation would be:

5 * (200,000/400,000) = 2.5 DART rate

What's a Good DART Rate?

When understanding DART rates, it's important to look beyond the simplistic notion that lower is always better and put the rate into context. For example, some industries are inherently more hazardous than others. DART is also criticized as biased against small facilities, where 20,000 Man Hours Worked per year in a safe industry and only 1 DART incident will have a DART rate of 10, which would be considered high in larger organizations. OSHA understands this bias and takes facility size into account when appropriate. With these exceptions in mind, comparing your company's DART rate against industry benchmarks sheds light on where you stand amongst your peers.

Is your rate significantly higher than the industry average? If so, it might indicate underlying safety concerns that must be addressed. However, a DART rate significantly lower than the industry average might sometimes hint at underreporting or overlooked incidents.

Reducing DART Rate and Enhancing Safety Metrics

Does your company have a higher than average DART rate? Here are some steps to take to reduce it in the long run.

  • Meticulous OSHA Injury Reporting: Accurate reporting is foundational. Consider a scenario where three similar incidents occur in different months. Proper OSHA injury reporting would flag this, allowing for an in-depth investigation. Is a particular piece of equipment faulty? Or perhaps a specific process is inherently risky? Accurate reporting paints a clear picture of recurring issues, enabling timely interventions.

  • Safety Training: Knowledge is power. A worker who understands the correct procedure to handle a specific chemical or how to operate machinery safely is less likely to be involved in an incident. Regular workshops, refresher courses, and on-the-job training not only equip employees with vital knowledge but also reinforce the company's commitment to safety.

  • Top-down Safety Culture: Safety isn't just the responsibility of the workers on the ground or the managers overseeing them. When top leadership prioritizes safety, it trickles down. It becomes a shared value, fostering an environment where everyone—from the CEO to the newest recruit—plays a part in upholding safety standards.

Dakota Software: Your Partner in Workplace Safety

DART rate, while foundational, is just one piece in the intricate safety puzzle. Prioritizing safety isn't merely about compliance; it's a commitment to the core of a business: its people. As you navigate the waters of workplace safety, let Dakota Software be your guide. Our incident management products will not only help you calculate rolling and calendar DART and TRIR, it will help you capture incidents, manage investigations, output OSHA reports, and learn from incidents and issues.

Explore our Demo Library to discover transformative tools that enhance your safety strategies, creating a workplace where safety, compliance, and productivity seamlessly intertwine

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